On Demand Service for Swift Recovery


Reduce your downtime

Benefit from our 24/7 ticket service, guaranteeing swift resolution and minimizing unwanted downtime.

Our tiered approach ensures comprehensive solutions, drawing on expertise from Technical Support to R&D to help create comprehensive solutions proven to solve most cases remotely within just 60 hours.

Whatever the issue, we have everything you need to get your cobot back to operating at its best.

Say Hello to seamless operations and increased efficiency

Say Hello to seamless operations and increased efficiency

With UR Care Services, you can rest assured knowing that your uptime is our priority.

Our commitment to excellence ensures maximum uptime through 24/7 support, remote connectivity, and onsite Field Service for prompt break/fix repairs. Our Field Service Engineers can be quickly deployed to your location to conduct field cobot repairs.

In myUR you can always attach log files, reports, pictures and other important files for a swift recovery.

If you haven't registered your cobot already, make sure to do so.

Go to myUR
Remote Support with UR Connect

Remote Support with UR Connect

UR Connect makes you avoid downtime and recover faster by enabling your support contact to immediately troubleshoot issues through a secure, encrypted connection to your robot work cell.

Start problem resolution instantly and save precious moments when escalating support cases, by granting your support contact immediate access to latest run-data and programming.

Your support contact can often resolve issues remotely through secure remote access, getting you faster back in operation without onsite visits.

Get the care your cobot needs from the people that made it.

Get the care your cobot needs from the people that made it.

Let's talk...

Do not hesitate to contact us. Fill out this contact form, and we will get back to you.

Local Office
  • Universal Robots USA, Inc
  • 27175 Haggerty Road, Suite 160
  • 48377 Novi, MI
Contact us: +1 844-462-6268
Contact us: + 1-844-GO-COBOT