Develop URCap

Develop your own URCap. Enable others to install and run your software.

What is a URCap?

What is a URCap?

A URCap is a Java-based plugin, that integrates into PolyScope, which is the graphical programming interface of Universal Robots.

URCaps extend the functionality of PolyScope by wrapping the robot's scripting language into user friendly programming screens.

Essentially, it is a software bundle, that is operating as a child process of PolyScope. Hence PolyScope will register the URCap, and interact with it in various ways.

Software Development Kit

Access the tools needed to develop your URCap through our SDK. It is available as a Docker development container, virtual machine image download, and an installable artifact for Linux machines.

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine

You can access the SDK through a virtual machine image. Simply download this artifact, and open in any VM software you choose.



Download the SDK artifact for Linux here. The instructions for installation can be found on the download site as well.

Docker Development Container

Docker Development Container

This is the SDK setup for people who use Docker, and VSCode. The artifacts and tools are included in the image, and can be manipulated through VSCode's Dev Container functionality. It is the best option for people with some code experience.

Before you start

Before you start

It is important to understand where the URCap fits into the UR software structure. PolyScope is a graphical user interface that sends a scripting language called URScript to the robot. URControl handles the URScript, and is ultimately the thing that operates the robot.

URCaps are software additions to PolyScope, and operate on the same layer.



There are different iterations of PolyScope that you can develop a URCap for. PolyScope 5 is the latest stable version, and is what is recommended to be used on your robot. However, there are beta versions of the software that are in different release stages. This is how the future versions of PolyScope are related to PolyScope 5.

Sign up for beta program

Concepts to know

URCaps are just the top layer that wraps around the core robot functionality. There are several topics that new developers should become familiar with before starting to write one.


Browse the latest developer documentation, including tutorials, API reference, sample code, and support articles.

URCap Overview

Understand the principles of how URCaps integrate into PolyScope


Follow this how-to video series to write and deploy your first URCap


API reference documentation

Code Samples

Browse a list of sample URCaps on our GitHub page


Ask and answer questions on our forum, and engage with other developers

Discord Server

Join our Discord server for real time conversation with people in our community. Ask questions, discuss projects, and collaborate online with like-minded individuals

Local Office
  • Universal Robots USA, Inc
  • 27175 Haggerty Road, Suite 160
  • 48377 Novi, MI
Contact us: +1 844-462-6268
Contact us: + 1-844-GO-COBOT